The World Wide Web Virtual Library of the Philippines
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People Empowerment



Bantay Bayan Foundation, Inc.
Non-government organization that fights criminality, graft and corruption and promotes human rights and sustainable development.

EDSA - 1986 / 2001
EDSA - The Peaceful Revolution - My Personal Experience -- by Alfred N. Bruckner

EDSA Tres - Poor is Power
A real People Power Revolution, EDSA Tres!! 11 million people lined up the streets of EDSA and showed that the Filipino majority has a voice.

Edsa Dos
Current Events, tops stories, links to other thought provoking sites, historical information on the People Power revolution in the Philippines, ouster of President Joseph Ejercito Estrada, Erap...

we are a community of Filipinos, connected through technology, committed to empowering every citizen to deman, receive, and ensure good governance

Keys to Empowerment
"We must fight for each other, not with each other, to build the Filipino-American Dream..."

People Power - Die philippinische Revolution von 1986
This is not a scientific analysis of the events from 22 to 25 February 1986. The following pages want to remind only of these events - a bloodless revolution, which moved the whole world...

People's Power
People's political website on Elections and Electoral Reform.

Philippine Political Update
Voting rights for Filipino Migrants.

Social Weather Stations
SWS was established in August 1985 as a private non-stock, nonprofit social research institution. Its members, called Fellows, are social scientists in economics, political science, sociology, statistics, market research, and other fields. Find out more about the Social Weather Surveys and how SWS operates.

Tae Movement
Taumbayan Against Erap

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The WWW Virtual Library of the Philippines
Founded by Andrew dela Serna
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