In the Company of the Dwende
It all started when I was just about seven years old. My aunt and uncle came from the province to visit us. I didn't like them. They were very strict. Also, they were very superstitious people...
Paradeisos is an enchanted forest guarded by the most beautiful being ever created, Nyah. She was the keeper of everything that is beautiful and living in Paradeisos... LITTLE PEOPLE by Maria Aleah G. Taboclaon
THE elves came to stay with us when I was nine. They were noisy creatures and we would hear them stomping on an old crib on the ceiling. We heard them from morning till night. They kept us awake at night... Nature and Mystics of Superstitions
The undergorund people resemble old men who stopped growing in their infancy. They wear basket hats and are bearded, big jointed, and barefoot. Their sight is poor but their hearing is sharp. They talk by making whistling sounds. They dwell under the earth, getting in and out by tiny tunnels in termite mounds...