StumbleUpon It! WordPress Plugin

Here’s a treat for members! The Stumble Upon It! WordPress plugin allows your visitors to submit your blog posts to’s bookmarking service. I’d like to thank StumbleUpon founder Geoff Smith, who was cool enough to work on the interface to make this possible!

Plugin Name: StumbleUpon It!
Description: Easy plugin that allows your visitors to submit your blog posts to
Version: 0.1
Author: Andrew dela Serna


1. Download the plugin from
2. Extract and upload the contents of the archive to ‘’
3. Login to your WordPress admin panel and browse to the Plugins section.
4. Activate the StumbleUpon It! plugin.

For comments and suggestions, please leave a comment. Thanks!


  1. What I want to do on my blog, is every few hours take the oldest post and move it to the
    front of the queue, all automatically. Anyone know if there is a plugin that can do this or
    a simple way to set up another plugin to do this (use my own feed perhaps)?

  2. How do I make it appear on the front page (similar to the “share this” plugin) and not just the page itself?

    Thanks! Great plugin by the way, it’s a real time saver. 🙂

  3. I know I’m ignorant, let’s get that out of the way first! 🙂

    The stumble icon and clicking happens only on the individual page … Why doesn’t it appear on the main page of the blog where most of the people go? How can I correct that?

  4. Is there any plan to update this plugin so that it adds the StumbleUpon-It button to the main page of the blog? It seems everyone wants this. I certainly do.

  5. Hello!

    Great plugin. Two questions…

    1. Is it possible to add a “top of post” vs “bottom of post” flag? I would prefer to have the icon show up between the post title and the actual post.

    2. To change the StumbleUpon image, I’m assuming I could just grab an icon from their site and replace the one provided, using the exact same name?



  6. Hi there I have installed your plugin and it is very helpful but I too would like to know how to add the functionality to the main page of my blog and not just the individual post pages.

    I would be very grateful for any assistance with this matter.

  7. great plugin…i have use it… but 1 thing is it cannot appear on the 1st page…only will show it when we click on the particular post…

    mostly people will read all my article on index…seldom have read more button to click

  8. Nice plugin. Watch out though, I installed using the one-click installer plugin which installed the content of the folder and not the folder itself. The gif image would not show up until I edited the plugin and removed the folder name from the image path.

  9. Thank you, I looked everywhere for this! I will pass it along on my website! Hopefully Stumbleupon will bring some much need traffic to us all 🙂

  10. Hello! This is something I have been looking for, so thank you for creating it. However, I am having a problem getting it to appear on my website. I had transferred the whole folder into my plug-ins folder, went into the plug-ins panel and activated it. It isn’t popping up at all. Can you advise on how to get it to work? I am currently using WP 2.3. Thanks!

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