iBlog4 was a huge success, but I have to admit that 90% of the time I wasn’t paying attention to the speakers. For me, it was a success because bloggers got to meet bloggers they’ve never met before. Ok, me being the blind antisocial one, I only met a few for the first time, such as Shari, Jerome, Markku, Fritz, Ade, Benj … my memory is failing me. It was nice to see AJ, Noemi, Aileen, Jay, Miguel and Juned around too. I expected to see Jehz there, but apparently his dictator of a girlfriend dragged him to Pangasinan for a scientific expedition. iBlog4 wouldn’t be complete if it weren’t for the company of my Davao friends Migs, Winston, Blogie and cousin Ria, who I might add, brought Malcolm Hall down with her entertaining talk. Yeah, Mindanao bloggers rule! ;p Kudos to Janette for a job well done.

Me, Migs, Ate Aileen, Ria, Winston, Blogie
After iBlog4, we headed out to a place where they sold isaw, a weird barbecue dish involving chicken and pork intestines. Took me while to gather the courage to taste it. It wasn’t that bad, but it wasn’t that good either. Still, an adventure is an adventure right? I never back out from one. Next, Markku said he knew this place where we can grab some good ol’ shawarma for dinner. For P50, we each had big servings of shawarma and darn were they a far cry from those creepy curly isaw thingamajigs.
We then went home to freshen up and Winston jumped into his “Batang Yagit” suit. When we got to Katips, the place was already crowded with bloggers and 88db.com personnel. Drinks were flowing. There was some food. Free business cards even. Expats. Cam whores. There were several contests, the most notable of which was when Shari won a beer drinking contest (good on ya!). There was also a costume contest where I was heavily rooting for Winston to win that PSP, but a chicken made of paper won instead. It should have been judged by 88db.com and not rely on who had the most friends in the crowd. Meh. Yes, I’m bitter.
Not feeling too thrilled, Ria, Winston and I made a great escape to Eastwood City. Ria and Winston were extremely hungry. So we ate at Teriyaki Boy where I had an Unagi Don (Eel with Rice), Ria a Katsudon (Pork) and Winston a Chicken Teriyaki. We capped the night with some Starbucks goodness. Winston was still wearing his yagit yellow shirt with a sports jacket over it (lol – yagit yeah right). I had my favorite drink — a venti Iced Signature Chocolate. You have to try it! If they ask you if you want it blended or add milk to it, say no! It’s excellent as it is.
I’m bad at endings, but that summarizes my iBlog4 experience. iBlog5, here I come!!
Update: Memory cells awaken. Links to more bloggers I met: Coy, Jeff and Poyt. Elymar was seated beside me during the 88db.com party.
Hey Andrew. I’m glad that you finally made it to iBlog4. I agree with you that what makes the event interesting is the meet-up of bloggers and catching up in a setting such as this. Cheers and see you at iBlog5.
Uyyy Kuya thanks for coming over and spending the week with us! =)
@Janette: Definitely!
@Aileen: Sad fesss. Thanks for taking us around!
Waaaaa… the people in eastwood were looking at me, well some of them. baka they find it weird that i’m wearing that yagit costume underneath the black jacket. hahahaha
Ei Drew, nice to finally meet you! Next time we’ll take you to more interesting places around the city, expert si Manong Juned dyan, hehehe.
Maybe next time we can talk code and programming and act like geeks? 😉
@Winston: It is kinda weird eh? Yellow shirt w/ patches doesn’t go well with black. Hahaha.
@Markku: Thanks for taking us around UP! Yeah we should do some tech talk next time 🙂
Kuya Andrew! thanks for the mention… I’m honored to meet the man behind Alleba.com and Mr. Ratified.org (taking it from ate Ria) himself! God bless…
ps thanks for ratifying my site… 🙂