The World Wide Web Virtual Library of the Philippines
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Provinces > Batangas

Online community of Balayan, Batangas, Philippines.

Batangas City - Philippines
Provides travel tips and general information with map and links to hotels and resorts in Batangas City, Philippines

Batangas Now
History of Batangas, about the Province, information on the province, where to stay, Governors Office. Batangas Tourist information, Batangas Hotels and resorts.

Charter a Hobie 21 in the Philippines
Rent a boat and cruise Taal Lake and trek Taal Vocano. Other boats available.

Destination: Batangas
The coastal city of Batangas is strategically located at the southeastern portion of the southern portion of the Southern Tagalog province of Batangas. It is almost equidistant from Batanes in the northernmost tipof the Philippines and Jolo in the southernmost tip of the country...

Glimpses of Ibaan of Long Ago
Ten years after the second world war, my generation was born and it was here in the town of Ibaan where we grew up and shared those happy memories of that time. We were the first generation who...

Tagaytay, The Most Pleasant City in Asia
Providing travel and sightseeing advice, hot tips and bargain basement deals for the traveler.

Batangas City
Offers information about the city, news, events and directory.

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The WWW Virtual Library of the Philippines
Founded by Andrew dela Serna
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