Hi! First of all I’d like to thank everyone for supporting my Ratified.org project. To thank those who have blogged about it, I’ve given the reciprocal link love on my prior post. If I missed someone, please holler out by commenting here.
Max Limpag commented that there should be something that bloggers could insert on their sidebars to show off their ranks, which was actually on my to-do list. Well, good thing Max sort of gave me that needed nudge to do it ASAP, because our lovely buttons are now available! Please go to your blog’s detail page and click on “Get Button Code” to pick up the appropriate code. If you have several ratified blogs, you’ll need to go to their respective detail pages for the right code.
There are two colors available: Red and Gray. Here’s a sampling of my rank buttons:
If you haven’t been ratified yet, please do inform me using the contact form in the site. Thanks.
I just had mine 🙂 thanks again for being included to ratified.org 🙂
Hi Andrew,
That was quick. Wait, that’s not quite right. That was very quick. You’re a coding monster 🙂 . I just added mine on the sidebar. Thanks for this cool service.