First of all, I apologize for the delay as I have been busy lately with some projects and a job I’m applying for. The lack of time simply did not allow me to update my plugins.
Anyway, here’s something that everyone’s been clamoring for. I understand that guestbooks tend to get a lot of comments, that’s why many suggested that I add a paging feature. Actually there’s a plugin that does that, but on the downside, the guestbook templates don’t pick it up.
The latest update (v.09) of Guestbook Generator WordPress plugin now supports paged comments BUT requires that you install the paged comments plugin by Keyvan Minoukadeh. The generator simply won’t run without it.
If you’ve installed a previous version of Guestbook Generator, do the following:
1. Download version .09 to replace the older one. Do not, however, use this if your version of WordPress is below 2.1. You may need to reactivate the plugin after uploading.
2. Customize and install the Paged Comments plugin. Be sure to follow the instructions in the package and allow pages to have paged comments. You may also set the number of comments per page.
3. Delete guestbook.php and guestcomments.php from your current theme folder.
4. Run the generator under Options > Guestbook Generator to create the new guestbook templates.
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to leave a message.
That’s it! Have fun!
what a waste…this is just a regular page with comments.
Many thanks, Andrew. 🙂