Internet Usage Survey


Here goes another survey! This one is a bit longer than my past surveys. Hope you could spare a few minutes to help me out.

I’d like to know what your Internet usage habits are. Are you emailing most of the time? Stalking people on Friendster? Chatting till the wee hours? Playing Dota? Yeah, I wanna know!

1. Please break down your habits by percentage. (ex. email 50%, Friendster 10%, chat 20%, reading blogs/sites 10%, downloading 5%, online gaming 5%)

2. Out of all your Internet activities above, name the one that you cannot live without.

3. For you, what is the hottest Internet trend nowadays?

4. If there is one thing that has not been done on the Internet that you would like to see, what would it be?

5. Do you consider yourself Internet savvy? What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective?

To participate in the survey, please place your answers in the comments section. Thanks for your time! I’ll publish the results soon.


  1. 1. Please break down your habits by percentage. (ex. email 50%, Friendster 10%, chat 20%, reading blogs/sites 10%, downloading 5%, online gaming 5%)

    Email – 20%
    DL – 10%
    Blog related – 40%
    Chat – 10 %
    Mobile phone related – 15%
    others – 5%

    2. Out of all your Internet activities above, name the one that you cannot live without.


    3. For you, what is the hottest Internet trend nowadays?

    Blogging (brian gorrel, DJ Montano, Celine lopez, blog monetizing)

    4. If there is one thing that has not been done on the Internet that you would like to see, what would it be?

    Internet for the blind. (imagine, bulag nag susurf ng net.. naglalaro ng dota, nakikipag socialize sa friendster, myspace)

    5. Do you consider yourself Internet savvy? What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective?

    Opcorz… coz.. i believe in the saying that.. “I AM”. Thank you.

  2. 1.) Checking Email – 10%
    Blogging (blog hopping, researching, blogging, maintaining my blogs) – 40%
    Researching for other things – 20%
    Chatting – 10%
    Downloading – 5%
    Social Networking – 5%
    Shopping – 5%
    DotA – 5%

    2.) Blogging

    3.) Blogging

    4.) Less geek speak, more friendly applications that are “friendly” to non-techies

    5.) Yes, because I explore the net for new things to do and learn. I think I know the full power of the internet and how it can be utilized for personal and professional advancement.

  3. 1. Please break down your habits by percentage.

    reading and commenting on blogs – 40%
    social networking (Multiply, Friendster) – 20%
    email – 5%
    analyzing site stats (Google Analytics, etc.) – 10%
    site hopping (via StumbleUpon) – 5%
    forums (PMT, PEx, etc.) – 20%

    2. Out of all your Internet activities above, name the one that you cannot live without.

    I guess it would be social networking because it’s my only way to stay in touch with close friends who are out of the country.

    3. For you, what is the hottest Internet trend nowadays?

    YouTube and p0rn sites, as observed from net cafes

    4. If there is one thing that has not been done on the Internet that you would like to see, what would it be?

    elimination of the use of the internet to spread computer viruses and trojans

    5. Do you consider yourself Internet savvy? What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective?

    Yes. Someone who can explain email, webchat, social networking, rss and mmorpg to an internet newbie can be considered internet savvy for me.

  4. 1.)
    email – 5%
    chat – 10%
    research – 40%
    read news/blogs/forums – 20%
    watch movies – 10%
    Social Networking – 5%
    others – 10%

    2.) email

    3.) open social

    4.) pinoy social networking

    5.) yes, when looking for something, i just ask google

  5. 1.
    email – 40%
    blogging – 20%
    reading blogs/news – 10%
    sns – 5%
    research – 10%
    chat – 10%
    others – 5%

    2. email

    3. Based on observation, YouTube. More & more people are finding it very accessible to produce video content. They are no longer limited to text-based communication, that’s why hordes of Internet users are now grabbing the opportunity to express themselves in 3D.


    5. Yes, I suppose I am.
    To be considered “Internet savvy”, I guess one should spend a minimum of 2 or 3 hours a day online. Plus, one would be intimately familiar with the popular social networking services such as Facebook, Pownce, Twitter, etc. Also — and I think this is important — an Internet-savvy person would know how to make full use of the browser, that it’s not just for viewing web pages, but a tool for fully experiencing web sites (bookmarking, etc.).

  6. 1. Please break down your habits by percentage. (ex. email 50%, Friendster 10%, chat 20%, reading blogs/sites 10%, downloading 5%, online gaming 5%)

    Blogging: 60%, E-mail: 20%, Reading Blogs/sites: 19.5%, Friendster: 0.5%

    2. Out of all your Internet activities above, name the one that you cannot live without.

    Obviously, it’s blogging. I’m maintaining numerous blogs so I have to devote a larger part of my online time on them. It’s a great compensation that I get money out of these blogs.

    3. For you, what is the hottest Internet trend nowadays?

    Blogging has always been the hottest trend. Out of it, social networking, which is now considered as the hottest trend, emerged.

    4. If there is one thing that has not been done on the Internet that you would like to see, what would it be?
    – I think everything I want to see has come out – like view the whole world (with the advent of Google Earth).

    5. Do you consider yourself Internet savvy? What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective?
    – I can consider myself one, well at least I know some of the internet’s hottest trends.

  7. 1. Please break down your habits by percentage. (ex. email 50%, Friendster 10%, chat 20%, reading blogs/sites 10%, downloading 5%, online gaming 5%)

    email – 20%
    research – 15%
    making online docs – 20%
    blogging – 20%
    reading blogs/news – 15%
    social networking sites – 5%
    downloading – 5%

    2. Out of all your Internet activities above, name the one that you cannot live without.

    Email (coz I can also email to my blog! haha)

    3. For you, what is the hottest Internet trend nowadays?

    Social networking, online collaboration

    4. If there is one thing that has not been done on the Internet that you would like to see, what would it be?

    There’s so much stuff online already it’s already quite hard to keep up. I’m sure though that developers are looking for a lot of stuff.

    5. Do you consider yourself Internet savvy? What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective?

    If you put me beside my friends who only log-in to the internet once in a while then you could probably say I’m internet savvy. BUT, if you put me beside those techie people then I don’t think I am internet savvy. I have so much to learn I believe.

  8. 1. Please break down your habits by percentage. (ex. email 50%, Friendster 10%, chat 20%, reading blogs/sites 10%, downloading 5%, online gaming 5%)

    email: 35%
    downloading: 20%
    research: 20%
    forums: 10%
    social networking: 10%
    blog & bloghopping: 5%

    2. Out of all your Internet activities above, name the one that you cannot live without.


    3. For you, what is the hottest Internet trend nowadays?

    social networking

    4. If there is one thing that has not been done on the Internet that you would like to see, what would it be?

    video text recognition (videos becoming searchable by the words spoken… kelangan may transcript para masearch with todays text search algorithms)

    5. Do you consider yourself Internet savvy? What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective?

    yes. been online since 1996. been an web designer/web developer/ web programmer / webmaster / web specialist / internet consultant / worked for an ISP, a web devt. company … i hope i qualify as internet savvy *crosses fingers*

  9. 1. Please break down your habits by percentage. (ex. email 50%, Friendster 10%, chat 20%, reading blogs/sites 10%, downloading 5%, online gaming 5%)

    Email: 15%
    Chat: 10%
    Downloading: 15%
    Research: 20%
    Friendster/Myspace/Bebo/Facebook: 5%
    Blogging: 20%
    Reading/Misc: 15%

    2. Out of all your Internet activities above, name the one that you cannot live without.
    E-Mail and Chat

    3. For you, what is the hottest Internet trend nowadays?
    Social Networks/Blogging

    4. If there is one thing that has not been done on the Internet that you would like to see, what would it be?
    Almost all the things I need are already on the net. Can’t think of anything to add yet.

    5. Do you consider yourself Internet savvy? What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective?

  10. 1. Please break down your habits by percentage. (ex. email 50%, Friendster 10%, chat 20%, reading blogs/sites 10%, downloading 5%, online gaming 5%)

    email: 10%
    research: 50%
    forums: 5%
    social networking: 10%
    blog & bloghopping: 25%

    2. Out of all your Internet activities above, name the one that you cannot live without.


    3. For you, what is the hottest Internet trend nowadays?


    4. If there is one thing that has not been done on the Internet that you would like to see, what would it be?

    Video recognition for SEO

    5. Do you consider yourself Internet savvy? What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective?

    Hhmmm.. Internet Savvy maybe.. That is why my research part is 50% 🙂

  11. 50% Google Reader and/or reading other blogs
    30% Updating my blog and responding to comments
    10% Checking Emails
    10% Social Networking Sites, chatting, random surfing

    2. E-mail

    3. Blogging and Twitter!

    4. Open Source for EVERYTHING!

    5. Yes. I did not go through any computer training or any computer classes before so everything I know about computers and the Internet are self-learned. I started my online experience in 1998 and got quite interested with making websites so I borrowed a basic HTML writing book from our library and tried understanding the basics not only of HTML but also of the Internet. Eventually, I put up my own personal website, switched to blogging on livejournal, opened up several niche blogs, and signed up with all sorts of social networking sites. So yes, I consider myself Internet-savvy.

    What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective? I believe that for a person to become deserving of the Internet-savvy modifier, he or she must have above-basic knowledge of the Internet. Above-basic for me means that a person knows more than just social networking sites, messenger chatting, and basic email. Also, for a person to be called Internet-savvy, he or she must be able to find answers to his or her questions on his/her own on the Internet before asking the help of someone else.

  12. 1. Please break down your habits by percentage.

    Email: 5%
    Social Networking (Friendster, Facebook and Multiply): 30%
    Music Streaming: 10%
    Reading Blogs/Sites: 50%
    Downloading: 5%

    2. Out of all your Internet activities above, name the one that you cannot live without.
    Feeding myself with the latest whatever.

    3. For you, what is the hottest Internet trend nowadays?
    Youtubing. Twittering.

    4. If there is one thing that has not been done on the Internet that you would like to see, what would it be?
    Tons. On different aspects. Hehe, I like the open source for everything 😛

    5. Do you consider yourself Internet savvy? What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective?
    Haha, I guess. I am clinical case for Internet addiction. Seriously. Hehe.

  13. 1. Please break down your habits by percentage. (ex. email 50%, Friendster 10%, chat 20%, reading blogs/sites 10%, downloading 5%, online gaming 5%)

    reading blogs/sites – 25%
    blogging – 30%
    multiply, friendster – 10%
    research for term papers – 15%
    chat – 5%

    2. Out of all your Internet activities above, name the one that you cannot live without.
    Email and blogging I guess.

    3. For you, what is the hottest Internet trend nowadays?
    blogging, the gucci gang. 🙂

    4. If there is one thing that has not been done on the Internet that you would like to see, what would it be?

    free access to more research papers and journals.

    5. Do you consider yourself Internet savvy? What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective?

    I think so. For me you are internet savvy when you begin to speak and understand the internet lingo (seo, pagerank, html, open source,blog, etc.) and rely heavily on the internet for information.

  14. 1. Please break down your habits by percentage. (ex. email 50%, Friendster 10%, chat 20%, reading blogs/sites 10%, downloading 5%, online gaming 5%)

    E-mail: 10%
    Reading Blogs/Sites: 40%
    Downloading: 10%
    Yahoo Messenger: 10%

    2. Out of all your Internet activities above, name the one that you cannot live without.

    Ummm, Multiply? I always make it a point to be updated about my friends’ lives. =P

    3. For you, what is the hottest Internet trend nowadays?

    Definitely Social Networking.

    4. If there is one thing that has not been done on the Internet that you would like to see, what would it be?

    Uhm, off the top of my head? Uhhh… wala akong maisip. Hahahaha. Haggard. Parang lahat na lang meron. Ah alam ko na! Wii for the Web. =))

    5. Do you consider yourself Internet savvy? What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective?

    Hmmmm yeah I guess so. Someone who’s internet savvy is online most of the time, and knows how to navigate his way through the web. He’s updated with the latest stuff and knows about the different workaround to things when it comes to interactivity within the web.

  15. 1. Email – 30%
    Social Networking (mostly Multiply) – 15%
    Chat – 5%
    Reading Sites (mostly news sites) – 20%
    Downloading – 20%
    Research – 10%

    2. Email

    3. Blog advertising/monetizing

    4. More substance in blogs (let’s just say that I’m really an idealist). More blogs written for people, not for machines.

    5. To an extent, yes. As long as you know how to use the net to its full potential (or sige, kahit partial lang, just as long as you know you can use it when needed). But then, Google is my friend.

  16. 1. 35% Twitter, 15% Blog, 20 Email, 10% DL and 20 Internet Hoping[Porn(lol), YouTube, Reading Wikipedia Article, mostly reading stuff]

    2. Twitter?
    3. Social Networking and Monetizing
    4. Almost everything is in the Internet nowadays, but I’d like to see local site with normal people in it like. [Blog by your neighbor, mayor, ethnic groups, fish vendor, something like that]
    5.6+ hrs. of Internet-ing everyday, must now what’s hot on the web, have connections on some websites and people on the web, must now a little knowledge on HTML & CSS, now how to use Google[lol], must make your daily habit to read online news…

  17. 1. Please break down your habits by percentage.
    90% – Wikipediang or Wikipedianging (hehe..)
    1% – Twittering
    5% – Blogging
    1% – Downloading (Software, Movies, Etc)
    1% – Chatting
    1% – SMSing
    1% – Digging

    2. Out of all your Internet activities above, name the one that you cannot live without.
    Wikipedianging? 😛

    3. For you, what is the hottest Internet trend nowadays?
    Making Money Online

    4. If there is one thing that has not been done on the Internet that you would like to see, what would it be?
    Send food or any solid (non-virtual) matter to you through the internet. For instance, I would like to send a car from the U.S. to the Philippines in just one click. The internet will use its super powers to convert the car into atomic particles, change it to a data that is readable by a computer, send it through e-mail, then after receiving it, convert it back to its original form (A Car). Hehe.

    5. Do you consider yourself Internet savvy? What qualities would make a person deserving of that adjective?
    Nope. Because I’m just an internet newbie and I have to learn a lot about web stuff.

    Qualities that would make a person deserving of that adjective?
    If he/she knows a lot about the internet. If I’ll ask him/her about this and that, he/she can answer it in just a matter of seconds. That’s savvy for me ^__^

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