Here are a few logos I was commissioned to do. Some of these you’ve already seen, some fresh out of the oven. 😛

The newest logo I commissioned to myself while overhauling my search engine. The search engine got a very major upgrade recently thus it deserved a redesign. Homepage coding improved as well. Will work on the directory and this blog next. For the logo, I was going after something quirky but yet very much Pinoy. I think I accomplished that well.

I’m sure you’ve seen this from somewhere. I integrated the original WordPress logo with the sun on our national flag to create the Wordcamp Philippines logo. Then I gave it a distressed finish.

I was asked to do the logo for our upcoming new media company, Avatar Media. Edgy and Asian.

The logo for BlogPress, a blog featuring news about the Philippine blogosphere. I would describe it as geeky, fun and serious.
Wow! Love the new logos. Mas neat tignan 🙂
I like the new Alleba logo. Winner!
your new alleba logo is mouth-watering 😀
@Mica, @Blogie,, @Jehz: Thanks for your comments!
Love the WP logo.
Love the new logo and WP too!
weeee… i love your logos kuya. 😀
I like the BlogPress logo. 🙂 And of course the WordCamp Philippines one is a classic. 😉
They’re awesome 🙂
very very cool design bro. I will wait for new designs. once again, very cool design. =)