I was sniffing around for some nifty loading gif’s for one of my projects when I found Ajaxload, a drive-thru Ajax-powered site that spits out loading gif animations to your liking on-the-fly. Yeah … for you graphically-challenged Web 2.0 geeks out there, this is the place to go if you want your apps to look cool while they’re pretending to load something. Hehehe.
Some samples from their site:
aaahh just what I needed!! Thank you!
Nice ones. But have a look at the loader gifs generator at http://www.ajaxload.info/ – great stuff!!!
Make your own Ajax loading indicators with http://www.webscriptlab.com/
Stumbled upon this blog while looking for AJAX loading animation. Now I am using the loading icon generated by ajaxload.info in one of my projects — cool!
Exactly what I am looking for!
The default one looks very farmilar! Wink Wink!
I am using the loading icon generated by ajaxload.info in one of my projects — cool!