The Philippines’ Top 100 Blogs

For the past two weeks I’ve been working on a directory that ranks the top 100 blogs in the Philippine blogosphere. Called, it gathers data from Technorati and ranks blogs according to the number of incoming blog links. From an SEO standpoint, links are a measure of importance of a website or blog. It’s always easy to read a blog than actually link to it, right? Linking to someone’s blog means I’m giving it my stamp of approval. It’s like putting up a sign saying, “Read this blog, it rocks!” Imagine that a thousand similar signs have been put up on other blogs. That should mean something!

There are many other areas such as traffic, number of subscribers, niche and content that also determine relevance. Although focuses mainly on links and a bit on feed subscribers, I think it’s a reliable barometer on how well your blog is doing. If your blog isn’t ranked in the top 100, it can still be found through the search engine or the tag cloud. If it hasn’t been ratified, go here to submit your blog. Features include separate sections for the top rank gainers and losers for both Technorati and, as well as the most popular blog feeds according to Feedburner data.

If you liked please blog about it! To sweeten the deal, all those who do will be linked to on this post.

Thanks to Google Country Consultant Aileen Apolo for being the very first to blog about!

Credit goes to Abe for inspiring the whole idea of mentions:

Line of Site
Aaron Roselo
J. Angelo Racoma
baratillo @ cubao
Refine Me
Guitarchic Dot Net
The Composed Gentleman
Digital Filipino
I.T. Talks!
Balikbayan Box


  1. Just wondering about FB data… do you need to have the FeedCount service (under the publicize tab) activated for your stats to be tracked?

  2. @Jaypee: Thanks!

    @Luis: Nope, but you need to have your Awareness API activated (under Publicize). I have updated your feed btw.

    @Jozzua: Hehe thanks!

    @aaron: Thanks for blogging about it!

  3. Hi Andrew,
    Great job with! It would be fantastic if there’s a way to place this on the sidebar, I’m sure bloggers would love it.

  4. @Max: Thanks! Yes, a button or chicklet for the sidebar would be cool. I’m definitely pursuing that idea. 😀

    @Orochi: Move your blog to somewhere else that Technorati can see 🙂 I’ll help ya buddy!

  5. @Janette: Thanks! That helps a lot!

    @Joni: Thanks 🙂

    @keysi: Yup, you can now insert a button displaying your rank. Go to your detail page and grab the code from there. 🙂

  6. Same comment I posted on J Spot.

    I wonder why people always want to be on top, the first, the best, the whatever…
    I really enjoy blogging not because I am number X among the millions and millions of other blogs. I am blogging because I am getting nice visitors and comments. I enjoy what I am doing (photography) and blogging give me a way to share my world with others. Simple pleasures lang….
    I will not have an orgasm if technorati or google will give me a better ranking than Manolo Quezon’s blog.

  7. Sidney, I blog because I enjoy it and it’s part of my job. But not all bloggers blog for the same reason as me or you. You may do it for simple pleasures, but some actually live off of it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blog just to get a high Technorati rank. I’m not jumping up and down just because I rank higher than all those below me. I just think of it as a fringe benefit. People do have goals in everything they do, that includes me. If you don’t want to be the best in your profession, then you’re the one with problems.

  8. just a non pro blogger and im a certifoed newbie..
    but one thing , I really love blogging…

    you can visit my blog at

    thank you so much

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