I Liked Plurk, Does You?

My corner of the Twitterverse is waging an online revolt against, well, Twitter itself. Twitter has been the most inaccessible, inconsistent, downtrodden Web 2.0 application on the face of the Internet, and yet we put up with it. Why? Because old habits are difficult to break. Yes, if that weirds you out, try my other… Continue reading I Liked Plurk, Does You?

Categorized as Web Apps

Logitech Cordless Laser Mouse

It’s the third time I forgot to bring my mouse over here at the office. I’m not the touchpad type of user so I usually don’t get any work done without a real mouse. Instead of stocking up on Gingko Biloba to increase circulation to my brain (thus improve memory, thus won’t forget the mouse),… Continue reading Logitech Cordless Laser Mouse

Categorized as Gadgets

Semantic Search Engine: Powerset

Powerset enters the search engine realm with an offering of tools for users to search Wikipedia more effectively. Instead of keywords, Powerset’s technology harnesses the power of human conversation that serves as the backbone of their engine’s algorithm. That removes the need for users to always know the exact terms related to what they’re searching.… Continue reading Semantic Search Engine: Powerset

Categorized as Web Apps

Cool App for your Blogs: Apture

One of the downsides of blogging is not knowing whether or not your readers are “getting it”. Sure, you know what Gas tungsten arc welding is, but for us mere mortals, that sounds like a bad lab experiment back in college that we’d rather forget about. If you’re familiar with Snap Shots (see sample), Apture… Continue reading Cool App for your Blogs: Apture

Categorized as Web Apps