This is sort of a preemptive post since I said in my earlier one that the contest will end on May 8. Now is May 6, what’s the hurry? First of all, the day after I started the contest, AJ, always faster than a speeding bullet, made his entry here. His answer is Jonas delos… Continue reading Bloggers Da Who is this Yahoo? – The Results!
Author: Andrew
Three Reasons Why Manila Bulletin’s Website is Stuck in the Stone Age
Three Reasons Why Manila Bulletin’s Website is Stuck in the Stone Age: 1. Their links to their news articles expire faster than you can say “Three Reasons Why Manila Bulletin’s Website is Stuck in the Stone Age” 2. Their links are expired, so what’s a regular guy like me to do?! Search! But: 3. No… Continue reading Three Reasons Why Manila Bulletin’s Website is Stuck in the Stone Age PR Updates…Again!
Another round of PR updates rocked the system today, with 181 blogs gaining Pagerank and only 43 (whew) shaving off some green brownie points. Congrats to the 8 blogs who broke out today: Kubiertos Bakla Ako, May Reklamo? Market Manila Photojunkie Sasha Says… Lightchasers Photography keyboard monologues A few notable bloggers inching towards… Continue reading PR Updates…Again!
IBM Peace Corps Coming to Mindanao, Philippines
Last March 26, 2008, IBM launched a Corporate Service Corps program to help third world countries in various IT-related and socio-economic projects. Over a period of 3 years, the company will be sending about 600 of its employees to do volunteer work. Whether they will be working on a paid leave is unclear. For 2008,… Continue reading IBM Peace Corps Coming to Mindanao, Philippines
Artsy iGoogle Artist Themes
Google introduces stylin’ new themes for iGoogle done by famous artistic icons such as:
iBlog4 and the Bloggers Summer Party
iBlog4 was a huge success, but I have to admit that 90% of the time I wasn’t paying attention to the speakers. For me, it was a success because bloggers got to meet bloggers they’ve never met before. Ok, me being the blind antisocial one, I only met a few for the first time, such… Continue reading iBlog4 and the Bloggers Summer Party
Bloggers Da Who is this Yahoo?
Echoing AJ’s intriguing new blog project, I’d like to do something similar for my blog’s first ever online contest. To join, read the clues below and blog your answer. You can only make one guess and your guess must reveal the blogger’s name and blog URL. The blog post MUST link to this post. That’s… Continue reading Bloggers Da Who is this Yahoo?
Create Your Own Social Network with Lovd By Less
Lovd By Less is a new open source application lovingly written on Ruby that allows you to start your own social network. Checking the demo, I reckon the company, smartly named “Less Everything“, put a lot of (or less?) thought into this. Definitely not just one of those run-of-the-mill php scripts we uninstall everyday. Any… Continue reading Create Your Own Social Network with Lovd By Less
I got an invitation from Leah Plaxton, Marketing Manager for a new online collaboration app called Projjex, to try out their service. In a nutshell, this is what Projjex is: Projjex is a web-based collaborative task manager that helps small teams share their work. Teams can share tasks, documents, notes, meetings and time. It’s easy… Continue reading Projjex Now With Alexa Stats
Two months ago, I was playing around with the idea of adding Alexa data to’s ranking system. That idea, however, was met with great opposition, so I abandoned it. A few days ago though, Alexa announced their new ranking system, which to me is more reliable and credible because it is based on more… Continue reading Now With Alexa Stats