Yep, you read it right! is throwing big bloggers party and you (yes, you — as long as you’re a blogger) are cordially invited! Here are the details: What: Bloggers’ Night When: April 26, 2008 @ 7pm Who: Bloggers of any Pagerank, Alexa Rank, Ratified Rank or whatever How: Just leave a comment… Continue reading Bloggers Summer Bonanza
Author: Andrew Blocked by OpenDNS
Calling OpenDNS! What’s going on?! I don’t live in China you know! UPDATE 1: OpenDNS blocks Yahoo and Twitter too! UPDATE 2: I removed OpenDNS, entered PLDT’s DNS settings and restarted both my Linksys wireless router and modem. That seemed to have solved the problem. It looks like OpenDNS is misinterpreting my IP address as… Continue reading Blocked by OpenDNS
Internet Usage Survey
[photopress:g185.gif,full,centered] Here goes another survey! This one is a bit longer than my past surveys. Hope you could spare a few minutes to help me out. I’d like to know what your Internet usage habits are. Are you emailing most of the time? Stalking people on Friendster? Chatting till the wee hours? Playing Dota? Yeah,… Continue reading Internet Usage Survey
Yahoo’s Online Community Manager for the Philippines
Last September, a few bloggers were buzzing about a certain job opening at Yahoo. Specifically, they were looking for an Online Community Manager for the Philippines, whose chores include: Online Community Management User Engagement Product Marketing Product Maintenance and Development Yes, it’s safe to say they’re looking for an Aileen Apolo who likes to yodel.… Continue reading Yahoo’s Online Community Manager for the Philippines
How Cool is Hedcut?
I got bored tonight and decided to tinker with my Photoshop skills. I’ve always wanted to create a hedcut for Boss Sergey Brin ang Boss Larry Page. I have a popular tutorial for creating hedcuts, but for this one I took it a bit further by applying different textures to the skin, hair, clothing and… Continue reading How Cool is Hedcut?
Business Card for the Food Enthusiast in Me
This afternoon, I was thinking of a cool way to compose a business card suited for the up and coming Davao Food Appreciation Tour. How do I connect it to food without looking desperate? Add some “bite” to it, that’s what! With some folder cardboard stock, a pair of craft scissors this is what I… Continue reading Business Card for the Food Enthusiast in Me
Band of Bowlers Logo
Here’s a logo I made in 30 minutes for a guy who saw my photoshop tutorial on Youtube: He wanted a logo for his bowling team and said that they would be printing it on a black t-shirt. He also wanted some gold colors, so I made the bowling ball gold c”,). I dunno, maybe… Continue reading Band of Bowlers Logo
Filtering Tricks for Gmail
If your Gmail inbox is getting a tad confusing, try organizing it using filters and variants of your email address. You can branch out your Gmail address to a variation of email addresses and hook them with filters when you receive emails. Say that your email address is Adding a plus sign (+) after… Continue reading Filtering Tricks for Gmail
Yahoo! Coming to the Philippines
Expect a Yahoo! office in Manila by the second quarter of this year, says newly appointed general manager Jojo Anonuevo (of Mobius fame). Claiming to capture 85% of the 22 million-strong Filipino Internet population, Yahoo! is bent on dominating the online advertising market in the country, which it says will make up 5% of the… Continue reading Yahoo! Coming to the Philippines
PRC Nursing Board Exam Results for December 2007
Can’t access PRC, and other blogs posting nursing board exam results? Here’s another site you can start crashing: PRC Nursing Board Exam Results for December 2007 Good luck! 😀