[photopress:g432.gif,full,centered] I’d like to let you guys in on my experiences of running a very large community site such as Dota Strategy. To be honest, it’s a stressful yet fun experience. Managing a site like this requires a ton of patience, perseverance and yes, a bit of money too. Initially, it was hosted on my… Continue reading What It’s Like to Run a Big Community
Author: Andrew
Adding Alexa Rankings to Ratified.org
I’m thinking about adding Alexa data as another factor in the Ratified.org rankings. It would seem to be a weird move on my part, after labeling Alexa as downright inaccurate and useless. What do you guys think? I might be playing around with the API’s of Bloglines and Del.icio.us too. Well, let’s see how that… Continue reading Adding Alexa Rankings to Ratified.org
Important Issues for the 2010 Elections
I’m going way off-topic on this one. My friend Janette tagged me on what issues are most important to me in the 2010 Presidential elections. Constantly watching the coverage of the US Presidential nominations has certainly opened my eyes to what types of things people look for in a President. Unfortunately, the same can’t be… Continue reading Important Issues for the 2010 Elections
CD-R King – Pirate Kings of Smuggling?
[photopress:cdr_king.gif,full,centered] The Optical Media Board (OMB) slapped CD-R King with a P1.5 million penalty for failing to produce permits for some of its optical media disc importations. CD-R King is a registered company allowed by the OMB to import blank, rewritable optical discs. Valenzuela (of OMB) said that the OMB is also seeking the cancellation… Continue reading CD-R King – Pirate Kings of Smuggling?
How Bloggers Use Their Cellphones
I conducted a quick survey called “Globe, Smart or Sun?” a week ago and got a nice number of responses from my techie/blogger friends. Here’s what I found:
What if Google Bid on Yahoo!?
Let’s try to hypothesize a scenario wherein Google tries to outbid Microsoft for online portal Yahoo! I think Yahoo! would take Google’s offer in a heartbeat, knowing that they are more culturally similar and both, in their own seemingly quirky ways, are pushing the limits of innovation on the web. Microsoft, on the other hand,… Continue reading What if Google Bid on Yahoo!?
Google To Setup Shop in Malaysia?
There’s buzz floating around that Google is going to build a data center in Malaysia. In a discussion I’m following on Slashdot, some commenters are posting why or why not they should consider the Philippines. Here’s what they have to say (and comments thrown in by me): THE YESSES: 1. Filipinos speak impeccable English. –… Continue reading Google To Setup Shop in Malaysia?
Globe, Smart or Sun?
Ok, did you know that in 2007 around 1.39 billion text messages were sent in the Philippines alone? Because of that, our country once again (yeah we won last year) gets bragging rights as the world’s text messaging capital. The number of mobile subscribers grew a nice 30% to 55 million, or 14 million more… Continue reading Globe, Smart or Sun?
Are You Google Toolbar Suggested?
I couldn’t resist it. I’m a bit vain that I google my name every once in a while. If you’re like me, you can check the Google toolbar if it includes your name in its query suggestions. If you don’t have the toolbar installed, get it from toolbar.google.com. The trick is to slowly type your… Continue reading Are You Google Toolbar Suggested?
Local News Gadgets for iGoogle
I noticed a lack of localized gadgets for us Filipinos using iGoogle, so I came up with a few Google Gadgets that deliver the freshest headlines from our top online newspapers. Click on each image to add them to your iGoogle page. Enjoy!