This is to let you guys know that I am receiving your submissions for and it may take a while before I can get to your request/s. Once again I’m going to be away from my computer for more than a week. When I get back I will work hard to ratify new sites… Continue reading Ratification Delays
Author: Andrew
The Year That Was 2007
I finished off the year 2007 mostly away from home this time. It was difficult not being on the Internet for a while, since I could not recall any day of the past year when I wasn’t. This separation anxiety made me reflect a bit about how much I have accomplished and if I’m ready… Continue reading The Year That Was 2007
Due to Persistent Public Demand… Here is!
Karlo Licudine is one of the most talented bloggers and illustrators that I know. While chatting over IM we were thinking of a “project” in which we can collaborate. Naturally, Karlo pitched the idea of creating a site that will showcase his comic strips, which the Filipino blogosphere has grown to love. And so, a… Continue reading Due to Persistent Public Demand… Here is!
Google Knol
The Google blog revealed that they are currently beta testing a new Google service — Google Knol, which appears to be a direct competitor to Wikipedia, and the much-hyped Mahalo: Earlier this week, we started inviting a selected group of people to try a new, free tool that we are calling “knol”, which stands… Continue reading Google Knol
Do You Yahoo?
I’ve been asking around several forums on what they think about Yahoo!’s search engine and how often they use it. The results were, well, not that surprising. It looks like no one uses Yahoo! except for checking their emails, browsing groups or chatting on their messenger client. Not one used Yahoo! search as their primary… Continue reading Do You Yahoo?
Mutineers: We’re Brave Thus We Have to be on Bravehost
[photopress:sundalo.png,full,centered] I’m laughing my *ss off while looking at the official website of the ongoing mini-“coup” led by Antonio Trillanes and that dinosaur Teofisto Guingona. Apparently, these guys don’t have a clue what an improbable mess their website is. It has three columns. Fine, many blogs have three columns. But three columns filled with FULL… Continue reading Mutineers: We’re Brave Thus We Have to be on Bravehost
Yahoo! … Err … Philipinas?
[photopress:philipinas.gif,full,centered] Yahoo!’s localization team badly needs a crash course in spelling.
100,000 Members and Counting
My site, DotA Strategy, hit the 100,000-member mark this afternoon. Too bad I wasn’t able to catch who the 100,000th member was. [photopress:100k.gif,full,centered]
Microsoft PageRank?
Checked out the new Live Search Webmaster Center, Microsoft’s answer to Google Webmaster Central. It’s new — so new that I find it virtually useless. Since I presume it’s in beta, I expect more improvements in the coming months. But curious that the panel displays something they call “Domain Rank”.
PageRank Updates Setting In
Another round of PR updates took place at From my last post, there were 58 blogs that lost PR and 14 blogs were gainers. Today’s quite a far cry: 149 blogs have lost PR and 130 blogs were gainers. Interesting to see all those zeroes turn into actual numbers! Eleven blogs broke out today,… Continue reading PageRank Updates Setting In