Migs twittered that Filipinos can now receive payments through Paypal. That led me to this blog post on PinoyMoneyTalk. Indeed, after checking it out myself, it’s now possible!
Author: Andrew
Google Turns 9; Rewards Adsense Publishers
Google turned 9 years old yesterday, and what better way to celebrate it than to roll out the Western Union Quick Cash option for Adsense publishers! IMO, this is far more convenient and virtually worry-free compared to receiving it through mail. Knowing all the thefts going on in our corrupt local post office, I hope… Continue reading Google Turns 9; Rewards Adsense Publishers
Happy Birthday, Google!
[photopress:9th_birthday.gif,full,centered] It’s the big G’s 9th birthday! Wishing you more success and Adwords clients!
After Dexter: Is Everything Ok?
[photopress:wordpress.png,full,centered] WordPress released version 2.3 of their blogging software yesterday, nicknamed “Dexter”. Definitely a major release just by looking at all the work they put into it. But Abe warns against upgrading too soon because not all plugins are supported. At best, those intending to put up new blogs will be the ones benefiting from… Continue reading After Dexter: Is Everything Ok?
Playing Games on the Internet Can be Hazardous to Your Health
Play MMORPG’s much? If you’re perpetually in front of your computer, consider taking short 15-minute breaks every few hours. I’m not a doctor, but it’s sound advice. You save yourself from unnecessary health problems such as stress, eyestrain, poor posture, headaches, not to mention poor social skills. Like the saying goes, too much of something… Continue reading Playing Games on the Internet Can be Hazardous to Your Health
If it’s Imported, is it Better?
I read an interesting post by Bob Martin in his Live in the Philippines blog. In the article titled “I know better than they do!“, Bob recounts his experience with a fellow American who was planning on living in the Philippines. As they were driving around town (General Santos City), his friend quipped that he… Continue reading If it’s Imported, is it Better?
Spotlight: Filipina Bloggers
As my entry for Janette Toral’s Filipina Writing Contest, I’d like to put the spotlight on a few Filipina bloggers that I enjoy reading. [photopress:aileen_blog.gif,full,centered] First and foremost, and not just because she’s a friend, I make it a point to visit Aileen Apolo’s blog every chance that I can. Aileen can talk about the… Continue reading Spotlight: Filipina Bloggers
Remembering 9/11
[photopress:alleba_sept_11_3.gif,full,centered] Can’t believe it’s been 6 years. I can still recall quite vividly the time my friend was buzzing and begging frantically on our apartment intercom to let her in. I had no idea what was going on until I walked out on our street on 6th Avenue and saw the twin towers completely gone.… Continue reading Remembering 9/11
Allowed Sites on Google Adsense
Noticed something new on my Google Adsense panel. [photopress:allowed_sites_link_1.gif,full,centered] Google now gives Adsense publishers the ability to create a whitelist of URL’s that are permitted to display Adsense ads under their client ID. After only a few hours of activating it, I already found 7 sites illegally using my ID. Activating it also means that… Continue reading Allowed Sites on Google Adsense
Pinoy Evil Blog Awards Polls Now Open
[photopress:paolomendoza.jpg,full,centered] Voting for Paolo Mendoza‘s Pinoy Evil Blog Awards has begun! This awards is the best thing that happened to our blogosphere before Malu Fernandez ate her way into the limelight, albeit to the dismay of our heroic OFW’s. My blogger friend Winston Almendras of Batang Yagit informed me about the Pinoy Evil Blog Awards… Continue reading Pinoy Evil Blog Awards Polls Now Open