I had a blast watching the Simpsons movie yesterday with some friends. I laughed my ass off the hardest during the “Spiderpig, spiderpig” part. Hahaha. Anyway, I discovered a site they made where you can convert yourself into a Simpsons character, aptly called “Simpsonize Me“. You’ll need to upload a 640×480 frontal face pic of… Continue reading Simpsonize Me
Author: Andrew
Review A Mindanao Blog Contest
[photopress:mb_ugotblogd.jpg,full,centered] Design: Jehz Laurente You got blogged! How’s that for review-a-blog competition slogan? (coined by Migs) “You got blogged” is a project of the awesome Mindanao Bloggers group. All you have you to do is blog about any one of the Mindanao-based blogs listed here and get a chance to win a cool $150! The… Continue reading Review A Mindanao Blog Contest
Plugging Harry Potter Spoiler Leaks is Useless
I’m hearing from CNN about all the hype surrounding J.K. Rowling‘s final installment for her outlandishly popular Harry Potter series. The 7th book, called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is eagerly awaited by millions of bookworms around the world. In fact, two little rabid girls in Alaska had lined up at a bookstore for… Continue reading Plugging Harry Potter Spoiler Leaks is Useless
Ratified.org Tweaks
I’m tweaking Ratified.org‘s ranking algo. This may still change as I add more kinds of statistics that will help in ranking our own corner of the blogosphere. Most likely you’ll either see your blog drastically rise or crash abruptly in the rankings. If you experience the latter, I apologize in advance. Really, I’m sorry. Besides… Continue reading Ratified.org Tweaks
Ask Google, It Shall Compute
Need to solve a simple mathematical problem with no calculator in sight? Well, fret no more! Google’s search engine can transform into a calculator if you tell it to! Ok, that was a stretch, but watch: Let’s say that you just got your Google Adsense check worth $123.45. And you wonder … How much is… Continue reading Ask Google, It Shall Compute
NCLEX Now in the Philippines
Great news for Filipino would-be nurses! I read that Pearson VUE, a computer-based testing provider for certification and licensure exams, will be opening up a testing center in Manila. This means that nursing graduates who aspire to work in the USA need not go to Hongkong for the Nclex examinations. From the website: The National… Continue reading NCLEX Now in the Philippines
What Does it Take to be a Youtube Celebrity?
I’m a big, big fan of Christine “Happy Slip” Gambito for her funny videos depicting the typical goings-on of a middle-class Filipino family living in the US. I found Christine’s latest video through Aileen’s blog, wherein her parents and an aunt are gossiping about her cousin Mimi’s new boyfriend played by another apparently popular Youtube… Continue reading What Does it Take to be a Youtube Celebrity?
Problems with Guestbook Generator
I’ve finally come around to investigating the various issues many are having with my WordPress Guestbook Generator plugin. The one major problem is the page ends up not having a form where users can input their details and actually sign the guestbook. That in itself defeats the purpose of the guestbook! Let me try to… Continue reading Problems with Guestbook Generator
Feedburner Pingshot Deconstructed
If you’re using Feedburner, I’m sure you’re aware of an option under Publicize called Pingshot that “pings” all the major aggregators whenever you make a new blog post. From Feedburner: PingShot is a quick notification service that enables your feed to be updated in the widest variety of places as quickly as you add new… Continue reading Feedburner Pingshot Deconstructed
Online Marketing Campaigns for Filipino Companies
Recently, Google Country Consultant Aileen Apolo spearheaded the uber-successful Taste Asia event, which gathered more than 150 Filipino bloggers in one big food festival at the Taste Asia restaurant at the SM Mall of Asia. SM leveraged the power of blogging to promote their new resto and their spacious Hypermart grocery. Clearly, all their efforts… Continue reading Online Marketing Campaigns for Filipino Companies