Here’s a quick update for 1. I’m currently trying to single out a bug that fails to update a blog’s Technorati rank. When that happens, it tends to screw up the blog’s history profile.
Category: Announcements Buttons Now Available
Hi! First of all I’d like to thank everyone for supporting my project. To thank those who have blogged about it, I’ve given the reciprocal link love on my prior post. If I missed someone, please holler out by commenting here. Max Limpag commented that there should be something that bloggers could insert on… Continue reading Buttons Now Available
The Philippines’ Top 100 Blogs
For the past two weeks I’ve been working on a directory that ranks the top 100 blogs in the Philippine blogosphere. Called, it gathers data from Technorati and ranks blogs according to the number of incoming blog links. From an SEO standpoint, links are a measure of importance of a website or blog. It’s… Continue reading The Philippines’ Top 100 Blogs
Organizing a Forum Sig Contest
I’ve got to hand it to everyone who’ve successfully organized parties (or more like parteehs?) and awards ceremonies. Just like what Hilary Clinton once quipped, “It takes a village.” In my case though, I’m organizing a contest for my site, which isn’t quite as big as the Blog Parteeh and the recent Philippine Blog… Continue reading Organizing a Forum Sig Contest
The Davao Blog Party #1
Blogie, Marc, Kim, Ria, Jun and I met a few hours ago at Blugre MTS to discuss our upcoming Davao Blog Party to be held on Saturday, March 17, 2007. The newly-opened NetFront Coffee Shop and Internet Cafe will serve as the venue. There were a few jokes thrown here and there but I’m glad… Continue reading The Davao Blog Party #1
Of All Names, Why Mine?
I saw an ad in the Philippine Daily Inquirer yesterday that more or less pissed the hell out of me. It was for “the country’s first mobile instant messenger”, Yehba. Yeah, you read that right, YEHBA. I dunno if they unknowingly picked that name, I don’t care, it’s too close to mine in pronunciation. Alleba… Continue reading Of All Names, Why Mine?
WordPress Guestbook Generator Update
Just want to announce that I’ve recently updated my WordPress Guestbook Generator plugin. It’s now compatible with the newest 2.1 version of WordPress.
PageRank Woot
I’ve been hearing about the PageRank update for more than a month, but it was only through the spankin’ new SEO Philippines forums that I realized it was officially showing up on my browser toolbar. This article’s title speaks for itself. This is the best ever PR update in the world! Haha. My homepage at… Continue reading PageRank Woot
I Can’t Do Anything
The earthquake in Taiwan is really taking its toll on my ability to run my websites. My apologies to those who emailed me. I can’t help you out until I resolve my connectivity problems. It took me 15 minutes for the “Create New Post” to load! I hope this post gets published by tomorrow!
SEO Philippines Davao Meetup
Just got home from the SEO Philippines Davao meetup I sponsored at the Blugre Cafe Landco. It really made me wonder where everyone was hiding all this time. I didn’t expect much of a turnout, but all in all, about 20 SEO’s, web developers, designers and bloggers showed up. And of course, our guest of… Continue reading SEO Philippines Davao Meetup