Google Philippines

Marc Macalua recently wrote about Google Setting Up Shop in the Philippines. Like everyone else, I’m excited! This is major. I actually know about this already, thanks to Marc and a certain telling post at the SEO Philippines discussion group (hehe).

Google Buys YouTube

Back at Techcrunch, Michael Arrington confirms that Google has acquired YouTube. My thoughts: There was word that although YouTube has dominated the online video sharing market, its founders Chad Hurley and Steven Chen aren’t making serious money out of it and are actually living on credit. YouTube’s only future is to be bought out by… Continue reading Google Buys YouTube

Pagerank Boost

Cool! Alleba Blog now has a PR 5! Up from a 4. Other pages on this site also enjoyed a boost. Again, I ask… how did your sites do?

Google Adsense Updates

Google Adsense emailed its publishers with a ton of cool improvements to its service. Most notably: AdSense for search results on your site Search results are now served on your site via IFRAME. This means your visitors don’t have to veer away from your page every time they search.

A Party at Google

My friend gets invited to these absolutely cool parties at the Googleplex. Here are some pics. I hope she doesn’t mind. Heh. My friend Tizza’s the one inside the small ‘g’. More pics after the jump.

Categorized as Google, Me