Yahoo’s Online Community Manager for the Philippines

Last September, a few bloggers were buzzing about a certain job opening at Yahoo. Specifically, they were looking for an Online Community Manager for the Philippines, whose chores include: Online Community Management User Engagement Product Marketing Product Maintenance and Development Yes, it’s safe to say they’re looking for an Aileen Apolo who likes to yodel.… Continue reading Yahoo’s Online Community Manager for the Philippines

Categorized as Yahoo!

Yahoo! Coming to the Philippines

Expect a Yahoo! office in Manila by the second quarter of this year, says newly appointed general manager Jojo Anonuevo (of Mobius fame). Claiming to capture 85% of the 22 million-strong Filipino Internet population, Yahoo! is bent on dominating the online advertising market in the country, which it says will make up 5% of the… Continue reading Yahoo! Coming to the Philippines

What if Google Bid on Yahoo!?

Let’s try to hypothesize a scenario wherein Google tries to outbid Microsoft for online portal Yahoo! I think Yahoo! would take Google’s offer in a heartbeat, knowing that they are more culturally similar and both, in their own seemingly quirky ways, are pushing the limits of innovation on the web. Microsoft, on the other hand,… Continue reading What if Google Bid on Yahoo!?

Do You Yahoo?

I’ve been asking around several forums on what they think about Yahoo!’s search engine and how often they use it. The results were, well, not that surprising. It looks like no one uses Yahoo! except for checking their emails, browsing groups or chatting on their messenger client. Not one used Yahoo! search as their primary… Continue reading Do You Yahoo?

Categorized as Yahoo!

Yahoo! … Err … Philipinas?

[photopress:philipinas.gif,full,centered] Yahoo!’s localization team badly needs a crash course in spelling.

Categorized as Yahoo!

R.I.P. Yahoo! Photos

[photopress:yahoophotosclosing.gif,full,pp_image] Yahoo! Photos is officially scheduled to close down on September 20, 2007 to give way to their other photo sharing service, Flickr. A sad, sad day for its 30 million plus users. What is more sad though is there is no intelligible way to migrate your pictures to Flickr. They simply tell you to… Continue reading R.I.P. Yahoo! Photos

Categorized as Yahoo!

Google Buys YouTube

Back at Techcrunch, Michael Arrington confirms that Google has acquired YouTube. My thoughts: There was word that although YouTube has dominated the online video sharing market, its founders Chad Hurley and Steven Chen aren’t making serious money out of it and are actually living on credit. YouTube’s only future is to be bought out by… Continue reading Google Buys YouTube

Are you a Big Fish?

Here’s a cool way to figure out just how “big” a fish you are in the ocean that is the World Wide Web. Uses backlink information from Yahoo! Find out if you’re a Big Fish. Sad, I’m just a small smelt. Certified Backlinks.Site Class:Are you a Big Fish?