With all the controversies being hurled left and right about the recently held Philippine Blog Awards 2007, the Pinoy blogosphere had just become a hundred times more interesting than it was before. One particular raging issue being discussed is whether blogging is a privilege or a right. Let me say this. Blogging is a way… Continue reading Talking on Television Is NOT A Right
WordPress Plugin: Daily Top 10 Posts
If you want to know how much hits your posts are receiving on a daily basis, then the Daily Top 10 Posts plugin is for you. What it does is track the hits of each blog post for the current day and cumulatively at the same time. You may also display sidebar widgets containing a… Continue reading WordPress Plugin: Daily Top 10 Posts
Test Your Geography
I have got to brush up on my geographic skills! Check out these Asia and Europe quizzes and name as many countries as possible without cheating. I got 36 for Asia and 25 for Europe. Gah, most of those I missed I honestly knew, but obviously escaped my memory. My answers after the jump (Don’t… Continue reading Test Your Geography
Just Seo You Know
Linking could possibly be my middle name. I like giving away links. So if you intend to get a link from my directory, what are you waiting for? Just make a request here and brace yourself for all the PageRank you’ll be receiving. Be sure to follow all the instructions carefully. If you get listed,… Continue reading Just Seo You Know
WordPress Plugin Ideas, Anyone?
I’m ready to take on another WordPress plugin project. However, I can’t think of a plugin that someone else hasn’t already done. Any ideas? Edit: I’m currently working on a plugin suggestion made by Abe on his blog. It’s 97% done but I have to test it further before I can release it. Hint: It’s… Continue reading WordPress Plugin Ideas, Anyone?
The Davao Blog Party #1
The Davao Blog Party was a big, big success! The day started with a little “executive” meeting with head organizer Blogie Robillo, cousin-blogger Angel Abella, Jun Macarambon and special guests Janette Toral and Aileen Apolo. Aileen did a presentation on Google Apps and Janette talked about her Digital Filipino club, which I am going to… Continue reading The Davao Blog Party #1
Darn Slick Gadgets WordPress Theme
Finally! My first WordPress Theme release! Loosely based on this blog’s theme, I began work on it last September, but for some unforeseen reasons (actually I don’t remember — is unmemorable a word?), I abandoned it. Last night, lightning struck and I finally decided to finish it. Oh, I also ended up renaming it. I’m… Continue reading Darn Slick Gadgets WordPress Theme
No Other Email than Yahoo!?
Just a silly little story. I got a call from an agent of PLDT Mydsl yesterday who informed me of a “promo” they’re offering to their current subscribers: 1 month free DSL with 1-year contract 3 months free DSL with 2-year contract I wasn’t at all taken by their measly promo. I was expecting more… Continue reading No Other Email than Yahoo!?
I’ve Been Nominated!
Waw, today I found out that I’m nominated for Best Technology Blog at the 2007 Philippine Blog Awards. Whoever that person is and whatever he was high on when he nominated me, thanks to both of you!! Although I don’t consider myself a very good blogger, I’m flattered. Thanks, thanks, thanks. Here’s the complete list… Continue reading I’ve Been Nominated!
The Davao Blog Party #1
Blogie, Marc, Kim, Ria, Jun and I met a few hours ago at Blugre MTS to discuss our upcoming Davao Blog Party to be held on Saturday, March 17, 2007. The newly-opened NetFront Coffee Shop and Internet Cafe will serve as the venue. There were a few jokes thrown here and there but I’m glad… Continue reading The Davao Blog Party #1