I Can’t Do Anything

The earthquake in Taiwan is really taking its toll on my ability to run my websites. My apologies to those who emailed me. I can’t help you out until I resolve my connectivity problems. It took me 15 minutes for the “Create New Post” to load! I hope this post gets published by tomorrow!

Google Shirt

Got a nice little present from Dennis Agulo a few days ago. It’s a Google shirt!! He won it at the Women in Web talk here in Davao courtesy of Google’s Aileen Apolo. I wore it all day today although it was kind of big. Pics after the jump.

TristanCafe Interview

This interview was more than two months in the making! But I’m glad that Christopher “Topher” De Leon (no, not that Christopher De Leon!) found time to answer my questions about his site, TristanCafe. TristanCafe is an extremely popular (Alexa Rank: 11,281) forum-based community that serves as second home for many Filipino teenagers and students… Continue reading TristanCafe Interview

Categorized as Interviews

Graphical `Ads by Google` Logo

You might find this interesting. I read about it here but didn’t really see proof it until today. Screenshot sample after the jump.

Categorized as Google

The Joys of Dial-Up

It’s probably karma. The Wifi pirate that I am, it’s inevitable that this should happen. Once again, my ever-unreliable PLDT MyDSL decided not to cooperate anymore. My whole neighborhood’s affected, and PLDT doesn’t know when it’ll be back up. This happened two days ago too.

Categorized as Asides, Me

Greenhills Are Alive

Today I ate lunch with my family at the Gateway Mall in Araneta Center. We were choosing between Italianis and Cafe Adriatico, but settled for the latter after a lengthy debate. After eating my meal of Adobo Spareribs, I wished we went for Italianis. The food there is just way better. But still I enjoyed… Continue reading Greenhills Are Alive

Wii Kills Television

Like literally. For you lucky bastards who snagged a Nintendo Wii, beware: Keep those wireless controllers away from your overzealous selves! Or you might end up destroying your television, rendering your Wii’s utterly useless!

Random Blab

I’m back in Manila. Wow. I am realizing that slowly, I’ve become some sort of a country mouse right in the city that I spent a good 7 years in. Sometimes I think that my moving back to Davao was a bad thing. But seeing what I’m seeing right now, the suburban life ain’t so… Continue reading Random Blab

Categorized as Asides