Lol. Thanks Jennifer Berman.
SEO Philippines Davao Meetup
Just got home from the SEO Philippines Davao meetup I sponsored at the Blugre Cafe Landco. It really made me wonder where everyone was hiding all this time. I didn’t expect much of a turnout, but all in all, about 20 SEO’s, web developers, designers and bloggers showed up. And of course, our guest of… Continue reading SEO Philippines Davao Meetup
Feedburner Subscribers Pumped Up by Rojo?
Ouch. Just like Marshall Kirkpatrick said here. I had but two subscribers to my blog seven months ago. But that was when I wasn’t serious about blogging. Fast-forward to present: I now have 2800 subscribers. Looking at my Feedburner stats, most of my supposed subscribers come from feed aggregator Rojo. I have reported this concern… Continue reading Feedburner Subscribers Pumped Up by Rojo?
Post-Digg kudos are in order: Angelo Racoma – For telling me what to do before things went out of hand and when they did get out of hand! Abe Olandres – For exhausting every option possible to help me out. You da man! RJ Palabasan – For allowing me to rant like there was no… Continue reading Shoutouts
A Dichotomy: ReviewMe and PayPerPost
This is a paid review. Three months ago, I wrote a short article on, a blog-for-pay company that received a lot of flak for luring bloggers to dish about stuff they couldn’t care less about sans disclosure. Yesterday, I received an email from TextLinkAds saying that my blog was “pre-approved” to join a new… Continue reading A Dichotomy: ReviewMe and PayPerPost
Bryanboy, Tsk tsk tsk.
I’m not a practicing Catholic. I don’t go to church except when I’m forced to or when it’s Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. So really, there’s no place for me to give a righteous reaction to the current media/Internet circus surrounding Bryanboy. He’s getting exactly what he craves for: attention. And boy did he… Continue reading Bryanboy, Tsk tsk tsk.
SEO Philippines’ BeerCon 2006
Finally, I got to meet Marc and Abe in person at Jill’s (@ the Fort) where SEO Philippines’ first Beercon was held. It was perfect timing. I got home from Thailand that day October 28, refreshed and renewed after a tedious work schedule and a cold that wouldn’t go away (I’m better now). What a… Continue reading SEO Philippines’ BeerCon 2006
Manila Update
Yep, I’m in Manila again. I wrote about WiFi here not being free in most places here and that is still the case. However, just like back in Davao City, I am blogging through someone else’s WiFi. Thanks, whoever you are. Yes, you can call me a WiFi pirate. Arrrr. Actually, I’m here because I’m… Continue reading Manila Update
Google Philippines
Marc Macalua recently wrote about Google Setting Up Shop in the Philippines. Like everyone else, I’m excited! This is major. I actually know about this already, thanks to Marc and a certain telling post at the SEO Philippines discussion group (hehe).
Paypal Now Includes the Philippines
It’s limited, but hey, it’s a start. Looks like J. Angelo’s PayPal for the Philippines movement is seeing fruition. Filipinos can now purchase wares on the Internet via PayPal but is limited to only $100 unless a credit card is verified. However, receiving funds is still impossible which most of us are really after. But… Continue reading Paypal Now Includes the Philippines