Dota Allstars is Da Shiz

I’m a Dota addict gone mad. During the recently-wrapped Kadayawan festival here in Davao City, I practically played everyday (till my eyes spilled out of their sockets) with my friends at Sequel. What’s cool about Dota Allstars is that it’s cheap to play and lasts only an hour or two as opposed to Ragnarok and… Continue reading Dota Allstars is Da Shiz

Categorized as Gaming

Wablet Looks Cool!

Is Mike Abundo Wablet’s official spin doctor? If so, he’s doing a great job at it. Techcrunch’s Marshall Kirkpatrick should be demo-ing it anytime now. Jeez, I hope I can get a chance to test it. Here’s a screenshot of the client login window:

A Party at Google

My friend gets invited to these absolutely cool parties at the Googleplex. Here are some pics. I hope she doesn’t mind. Heh. My friend Tizza’s the one inside the small ‘g’. More pics after the jump.

Categorized as Google, Me

Meebo, Wablet, Friendster MoBS

So I was just talking about the mysterious Filipino Web 2.0 undertaking Wablet and how it will give Meebo a run for its money (well, not really). Now comes Friendster MoBS, another web-based instant messaging platform that bears a frightening resemblance to Meebo’s GUI. Except that in MoBS, your only contacts are your friends in… Continue reading Meebo, Wablet, Friendster MoBS

PayPal for the Philippines

J. Angelo Racoma’s PayPal initiative now has a website. I still strongly share J. Angelo’s sentiments that having PayPal here in the Philippines will spur growth in the web development and technology sector of the Philippines. We’ve got the talent, but no decent payment system in sight. How cruel is that? With the new website… Continue reading PayPal for the Philippines

Wablet, Anyone?

Techcrunch recently profiled Wablet, a Filipino Web 2.0 startup offering IM services similar to that of Meebo. Mike Abundo of the Mike Abundo Effect, claims that Wablet “will blow away Meebo”. What’s strange though is how its developers are wrapping this project in utter obscurity. Not even Abundo can provide details on how the purported… Continue reading Wablet, Anyone?